Sign Up For Free Practice ACT Tests
Academic Tutoring & Testing offers all students the chance to take free practice ACT exam. Even as many colleges make testing optional,...

To Students taking the ACT or SAT in the Pandemic: Keep checking the updates!
????? Long story short, if you have questions about taking the ACT or the SAT during the pandemic, so does most everyone. The situation...

How the Covid Generation Beats Back Coronavirus: 10 Ideas for Summer Tutoring Programs
10 Ideas for Summer Tutoring Programs 1) ACT and SAT prep 2) College application assistance + college study skills 3) Finish incomplete...

Top Ten Tips For the February 25th ACT
To all hard working ACT students out there, we know that, for you, summer vacation and the ACT go together like Vikings and Packers fans....

Add the "comma-comma" rule to your ACT/SAT English skill set!
To all you ACT/SAT 'test-preppers', you have a little time before December's test, if that is your next scheduled attempt. When you have,...

Another ACT already?! Get ready for the October 26th ACT + The latest news on 3 changes to the ACT..
First the news about changes to the ACT. Starting next year for September 2020's test, the ACT will allow students to retake individual...

What Do The ACT & SAT Actually Test?
What do the ACT and SAT actually test? The students we tutor regularly pose this question to us during their prep sessions. The short...

Mastering The ACT Reading Section
This past Saturday thousands of Minnesotan students took the September ACT. Good luck on your results! Another ACT is barely more than a...

(Our Greatest Blog Revisited!) Top Ten Tips For Your September 2019 ACT Day!
We have published this top ten list below before, but it is so spot on that we feel it's worth a re-post! And overall, remember your ACT...

Easy Test-Taking Tips: Know Your SOH CAH TOA for the Math Section of the ACT! (Plus a challenge ACT
Most junior class math students in America know what SOH CAH TOA stands for: The Sine (of an angle) = the Opposite divided by the...